LOOK Marshawn Lynch runs on field during scuffle gets ejected for shoving ref

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The easiest way to get ejected from an NFL game is to shove a ref and that's exactly what did against the on Thursday.The running back was ejected in the second quarter after going Beast Mode on an official who was trying to break up a fight between players from Kansas City and Sheldrick Redwine Jersey Oakland. It all started with just over six minutes left in the half when tried to scramble up the middle on a third-and-10 play.As he was running, Carr got held up by Chiefs defensive tackle and at that point, he wasn't really going anywhere. Despite Anthony Zettel Jersey that fact that it looked like Carr's forward motion was stopped, Chief corner still came in and launched himself at Carr.The hit on Carr immediately started a scuffle between both teams. The most surprising person to participate in the scuffle was Lynch because he wasn't even on the field for the play. After Carr took the hit, Lynch ran on the field from the sideline and jumped into the middle of the fracas. You definitely can't do that to an official, Marshawn. John Breech (@johnbreech) At that point, Lynch did something that will get you ejected 100 percent of the time: He grabbed an official NFL Cleveland Browns Jersey and shoved him. Marshawn Lynch has been ejected: Deadspin (@Deadspin) On the play, Peters was flagged for unnece sary roughne s, while Lynch was flagged 15 yards for unsportsmanlike conduct. Beast Mode was ejected from the game after carrying the ball just two times for nine yards Jim Brown Jersey .Here's Lynch heading to the locker room after being ejected. After the fight Marshawn Lynch was calm walking back to the locker room. 5 minutes later he left the Coliseum wearing shades, scarf & cap. Henry Wofford (@HWoffordKRON4) Although KRON-4 , he appeared to watch the rest of the with his family. Beast Mode then showed up in the Raiders' locker room after his team's dramatic 31-30 win. Marshawn Lynch is in the building, congratulating his teammates Britton Colquitt Jersey in the locker room after the game Omar Ruiz (@OmarDRuiz) As for the rest of the team, there was some serious tension on the Raiders' sideline for most of the second quarter. CBS'Tracy Wolfson reported that and got into a shoving match that didn't end until Raiders offensive line coach Mike Tice came in and broke it up. To check out the final stats on Raiders wild win over the Chiefs, be sure to .
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